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Showing posts from August, 2015

Yoga and Running

This is an exciting post for me.  First and the most exciting: I RAN!!!!  I didn't run for long or hard, but I did run.  There is a park not too far from my house, so I decided it was time to try it.  I put on my knee brace, leashed one of my dogs, and I went.  I walked for the first few minutes and then I got a nice jog pace going.  I switched off between jogging and walking.  I didn't really time the intervals I just went until I got too tired/out-of-breath/sore to keep running and then I switched to walking.  And it was wonderful!  Of course, I had to measure it because sometimes they day of isn't the problem and it is the day after that causes the pain.  Fortunately for me I had no real pain on either day. Today I finally decided to try yoga.  I had done yoga once before but came home with a herniated disc, so I wasn't fan.  Several of the doctors recommended yoga, so I tried it.  The teacher was great.  She was...

Try, Try Again

I have been awful about posting lately.  Life happened which makes it hard to write more than just a quick line.  First, I thought I would take the time to give an update on my knee.  After being sick my for a week and a half my knee wasn't bothering me at all, probably because I laid in bed not moving.  I was also taking prednisone, which is a steroid that helps with inflammation.  I started back on a good exercise routine last week and didn't have too many problems with my knee.  All in all I think my knee is getting stronger and can handle more.  However, I finally over did it.  I upped the weight I used on my leg exercises on Sunday, and I was a little sore yesterday and today.  My knee was still a little on the sore side today, but nothing out of ordinary.  I decided to try and walk without my knee brace on, and now I'm paying the price.  The pain isn't unexpected.  My physical therapist warned me that this might happen....

Going Forward

I know; I know, no exciting post this week.  I spent the week recovering and then helping my house recover.  I haven't done much.  I really just wanted to post my goals for the upcoming week. 1) Exercise 4 times. 2) Track LoseIt! everyday. I think that is all for this week.

Feeling Better

After 5 days of hell I'm finally feeling better.  The world cleared about an hour before I left work today.  That was probably one of the worst illnesses I have had as an adult.  My head hurt so bad I kind of just wanted to chop it off.  Once the headache went away the dizziness set it and I didn't want move because the world swam around me when I did.  My head has finally quit hurting and the world isn't swimming when I move around.  I'm hoping I can sleep tonight with taking beandryl.  Prior to today if I tried to lay flat to sleep the pressure would build in my head in a very painful way and I can't sleep while sitting.  I'm keeping my fitness goals pretty easy for this week.  I don't want to over do it this soon after recovering from a hellacious sickness.  Goals for the week 8/3 Do leg exercises twice. Eat healthy food Drink lots of water Basic, I know, but its better to keep it basic then re stress my body.  That's a...

The sickness

So I have not posted this week. On Wednesday I got what I thought was a migraine.  It was the worst headache I have ever had in my life.  I left work on Thursday after only being there for 1.5 hours and did not make it to work on Friday.  I went to the doctor Friday morning and found that I did not have a migraine, but instead had a virus that was causing swelling of my head and inner ear.  As of today the headache is gone but the dizziness is not.  Needless to say working out and eating healthy has not happened any this week.  I'm hoping to be fully recovered by Monday. I hopefully will be able to do a full post then.