This is an exciting post for me. First and the most exciting: I RAN!!!! I didn't run for long or hard, but I did run. There is a park not too far from my house, so I decided it was time to try it. I put on my knee brace, leashed one of my dogs, and I went. I walked for the first few minutes and then I got a nice jog pace going. I switched off between jogging and walking. I didn't really time the intervals I just went until I got too tired/out-of-breath/sore to keep running and then I switched to walking. And it was wonderful! Of course, I had to measure it because sometimes they day of isn't the problem and it is the day after that causes the pain. Fortunately for me I had no real pain on either day. Today I finally decided to try yoga. I had done yoga once before but came home with a herniated disc, so I wasn't fan. Several of the doctors recommended yoga, so I tried it. The teacher was great. She was...
This blog has evolved over a long period of time. I have decided to use it as a way to try and raise awareness about mental health. As this blog continues more of the posts will center around mental health and breaking the stigma associated with it. Some of the earlier posts are my own struggle with Bipolar Disorder, but I have decided to leave them. They are strange to say the least.