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Try, Try Again

I have been awful about posting lately.  Life happened which makes it hard to write more than just a quick line.  First, I thought I would take the time to give an update on my knee.  After being sick my for a week and a half my knee wasn't bothering me at all, probably because I laid in bed not moving.  I was also taking prednisone, which is a steroid that helps with inflammation.  I started back on a good exercise routine last week and didn't have too many problems with my knee.  All in all I think my knee is getting stronger and can handle more.  However, I finally over did it.  I upped the weight I used on my leg exercises on Sunday, and I was a little sore yesterday and today.  My knee was still a little on the sore side today, but nothing out of ordinary.  I decided to try and walk without my knee brace on, and now I'm paying the price. 

The pain isn't unexpected.  My physical therapist warned me that this might happen.  She did suggest to push my limits from time to time and if I got sore to back off.  I actually think I would have been okay if it wasn't for this one particular hill.  Once the soreness and swelling goes down again I will try again.  I think I will do a few more weeks with the knee brace before I brave a walk without it though. 

Overall I seem to be doing really well with all my goals.  I'm exercising regularly (3-5 times per week).  Last week using LoseIt! I actually went under by 1700 calories for the week.  I have it set to lose 1/2 pound per week so that was an additional calorie loss on top of my already set calorie reduction.  Of course, I had a slip up today (more on that later).  I have noticed a difference in how I feel with the healthy eating already.  I am also noticing a mentality shift from I have to be skinny to I want to be fit.  I have always had body image issues, so I don't ever remember thinking I was skinny, but I do remember being fit.  Healthy and fit is the goal!  Losing weight is just the added benefit!

More on the slip up today.  We went to my husband's mom's house today.  She is a southern Mom of southern Mom's.  If you aren't a southerner what this means is that if you go to her house you will eat.  You will eat a lot of food and you will have seconds, and every bite will be delicious.  Today we had baked chicken, pesto pasta, and steamed veggies.  This dinner by itself in innocuous enough, but then comes the desert.  That's right, desert on a random Tuesday because its Tuesday.  Almond cookies and Key Lime Pie.  After we ate almost an entire tin of cookies, we were finally able to pull ourselves away. 

On the way home I at first became sad and self hating, but I changed the spin on it.  Everyone messes up.  Eating healthy can be hard.  Its okay to slip up every once in a while.  As long as it is truly every once in a while.  That leads me to my motivational photo for the day.


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