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Finding a Hobby

Being an adult is hard.  I find that most days I feel unsatisfied with my life.  I often think back to being in my early twenties and romanticize the time.  Logically I know I was horribly depressed through most of it, but I still find myself longing for the days.  I have a good life now, but sometimes its hard to see because I get so bogged down in the day-to-day.  Partially that is because I have let what is important slip away for what is easy.

I miss the how busy I stayed.  I miss how social I was.  At one point when I was therapy, I created a life goal plan.  I'm not sure if that is the actual name of it.  Basically, I listed things that were important and why they were important and then I listed how I would achieve those things on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  I may find that useful to do again, but that is not what I am doing today.

Most days I come home and immediately turn on the tv.  I watch a few hours of TV and then head off to bed.  Some days its because I'm too tired to do anything else, but even on those days I feel like a bum for doing it.  I don't recall ever before in my life watching as much television as I do now.  I would like to get away from this.  I'm sure that I will still watch TV, but perhaps not as much.  I have set out to find a new hobby.

I'm older and I have a few physical limitations now (mainly that my knee often hurts).  I would like to find a hobby that I can actively work at doing and one that I can sustain for many years.  It needs to be one that I will be able to do once I return to school as well.  I don't want to let it just drop to the way side.  I googled hobbies and found a list of 308 hobbies.  I have spent the morning sorting through the list and crossing out things that are either very impractical or that I am just not interested in.  Over the next few weeks to months I am going to spend time exploring the list of hobbies I deemed plausible.

My Hobbies List
  1. Archery
  2. Board Games/Gaming
  3. Coloring
  4. General Crafts
  5. Crochet
  6. Crossword Puzzles
  7. Dancing
  8. Entertaining
  9. Exercise
  10. Hang Gliding
  11. Hiking
  12. Puzzles
  13. Kayaking
  14. Learning a foreign language
  15. Playing an instrument (clarinet or violin)
  16. Running
  17. Sewing
  18. Tea Tasting
  19. Tennis
  20. Traveling
  21. Urban Exploration
  22. Walking
  23. Writing
  24. Yoga
  25. Marksmanship
I know some of these are things I have done in the past, so it will be a matter of re-kindling my love for them.  Others I have never tried before, so I do not know if I can or will even want to do them.  Some of them will require an investment so those may be the last ones I try.   I'm not sure which ones I want to try this weekend or set up to try this weekend.  Honestly, I feel pretty good about taking a list of 308 and narrowing it down 25.  If I find the time I will choose one and post about my successes and failures trying that hobby.


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