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Showing posts from August, 2012

Running, Eating, and Missing

I have managed to continue on my exercise regime even though I haven't been posting.  I have gone up one increment on the couch to 5k plan.  I started the Run 2 Walk 1 today.  It was a little painful.  Actually, it was more than a little painful.  I struggled, especially towards the end.  There were several times where I just wanted to jump off the treadmill and eat ice cream.  I made it through though!  Hopefully by next Friday the Run 2 won't be quite so harsh.  I've also continued with the kettle bell workout.  Pretty soon I think I'll be able to go up a few pounds on my kettle bell.  Right now I'm only using 10lbs.  Also I have had no back pain thus far which is AMAZING!!!  I may try bellydance classes again in a few months. Food really has been the big problem for me.  I'm not so great at exercising will power.  I want chocolate, so I eat chocolate, period.  I try not to keep sweets at my house becaus...

Finally Got to Run

I finally made running happen yesterday.  Its been a very stressful week, but running helped.  Classes started on Monday, but my financial aid isn't coming in until the 3rd or 4th so my supply of food is low at best.  I stopped by to see if they could release my funds earlier just so I could eat, but alas they could not.  However, I was at least able to purchase my textbooks through the bookstore with fin aid.  The downside, I had to purchase all my books new, so $430 later.... I cashed in some change and got a sandwich and then went for a run.  I did the run 1 minute walk 2 with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.  I was pouring sweat by the end of it.  I spent breakfast yesterday making a new playlist for running purposes.  Most songs labeled good for running are of the pop/club music variety and I'm not so much into that music.  Instead, I did a special search and came up with my own playlist comprising of folk, trip-hop, and...

And more days go by

I have done no exercising for the past 2 days.  My diet hasn't exactly been super healthy either.  I didn't exercise yesterday because I wasn't really feeling well.  I simply did not have the time today.  I was in class from 9:30-12:30 and then worked from 2-7.  I'm still waiting on my funds from financial aid so at this point I'm just eating whatever I have and whatever is cheap.  Tomorrow should be better.  I'm on campus from 9-2 with nothing to do really.  I'm planning on buying my textbooks and then going for a run.  Here's hoping to tomorrow is better!!

And nothing

Today was pretty non eventful.  My back was still sore I didn't work out.  I do have a delicious recipe to share though! This is pretty awesome.  I would leave out the butter.  Otherwise, I think its healthy.

Day 2

Running didn't happen today.  After class I had the most familiar tightness in my back.  I think I over did it yesterday.  I went to an Incubus concert and all the dancing mixed with the morning work out made my back not happy.  I took the dogs out for a short walk instead.  Sometime before bed I'll definitely be using an ice pack and maybe some icy hot.  mmmm peppermint...... Also I made a decision about posts.  It seems like a better idea to maybe just post once a day, probably in the evenings.  Classes started today so that will add an extra challenge to making this happen.  Hooray!!


Today I'm going to start the couch to 5k plan.  I started the plan earlier this summer, but I was taking 7 hours of classes over a short session, so it got placed in the back seat, as did all exercise.  Something about only having 4 1/2 weeks to complete genetics and environmental science makes exercising seem like a little less than a priority. This isn't the exact plan I found originally, but its close and I like it so I'm going for it.  I've always preferred running outside, so if the temperature doesn't kill me today I'm going for a trail run.  If its too hot to breathe I suppose I'll use the gym.  On another note:  I was debating if I wanted to use this as a food journal but decided against it.  I'm notoriously bad at keeping food journals and I think that would be painfully boring for most people.  Instead, I'll only posts interesting or extremely delicious recipes.  Or ...

Day 1

The moment of truth:  My weight and measurements starting out.  Chest: 36 inches Waist: 29 inches Hips 37.5 inches Weight: 134 lbs Today I managed to actually wake up and get a work out done.  Day 1 I can usually manage.  I'm still motivated.  Most of the time I can make it 1-2 weeks before I fall off the wagon.  Today's workout was a kettlebell work out and I'm already feeling a little sore.  I used a 10lb kettlebell for the work out. This is the site I used for the work out.  I liked it pretty well so I'm try to stick with this one for a while.  As always the work out was followed by stretching and an ice pack.  I can already feel the tightness in my back.  The real test to see if I can stick with it will be how painful my back is tomorrow.

Purposes and background

I've tried blogging many times before and I have never really stuck with it.  I'm going to give it a try again.  The purpose of this blog is to 1) track my health progression, 2) share useful tips and recipes I find for others interested in health, 3) Give a refreshing perspective on working out/dieting from someone who isn't a health guru and is just an average person A little background: For a large portion of my life I was a very active individual.  In highschool I did gymnastics, horseback riding, skating, walking, and strength and toning.  I was also a fairly healthy eater for a little while.  Since graduating highschool my fitness and health regime has been spotty at best.  About 2 years ago I got really into the health and fitness again.  I was dancing (bellydancing) and running several times a week.  This abruptly stopped when I injured my back.  I ended up with a herniated disc and numbness due to nerve damage.  I'm still no...