Today I'm going to start the couch to 5k plan. I started the plan earlier this summer, but I was taking 7 hours of classes over a short session, so it got placed in the back seat, as did all exercise. Something about only having 4 1/2 weeks to complete genetics and environmental science makes exercising seem like a little less than a priority.
This isn't the exact plan I found originally, but its close and I like it so I'm going for it. I've always preferred running outside, so if the temperature doesn't kill me today I'm going for a trail run. If its too hot to breathe I suppose I'll use the gym.
On another note: I was debating if I wanted to use this as a food journal but decided against it. I'm notoriously bad at keeping food journals and I think that would be painfully boring for most people. Instead, I'll only posts interesting or extremely delicious recipes. Or perhaps when I slip up and eat something really bad for me and super delicious, such as the butterfinger blizzard or chilli cheese fries from dairy queen. I <3 chilli cheese fries. so much.
This isn't the exact plan I found originally, but its close and I like it so I'm going for it. I've always preferred running outside, so if the temperature doesn't kill me today I'm going for a trail run. If its too hot to breathe I suppose I'll use the gym.
On another note: I was debating if I wanted to use this as a food journal but decided against it. I'm notoriously bad at keeping food journals and I think that would be painfully boring for most people. Instead, I'll only posts interesting or extremely delicious recipes. Or perhaps when I slip up and eat something really bad for me and super delicious, such as the butterfinger blizzard or chilli cheese fries from dairy queen. I <3 chilli cheese fries. so much.
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