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WTF happened to my head?

I think I had a psychotic episode the other night. I definitely had a mixed episode or possibly extreme rapid cycling.  I've been reluctant to try and fix my head until that moment.  The worst part about it was that I had experienced parts of it before.  It was that remembered experience that let me know just how bad things are and how bad things can get.  I don't want to go back to that place.  The only positive I can say for it, is that I am relieved to know that when I quit life previously I really was having severe mental problems.  Now I know just how severe.

So, what happened?  I will do my best to describe it, but in writing I can never capture the true feeling.  Things were going well, better than they had in a long time.  Ben and I were in the kitchen talking and joking around.  Then a message came across my screen and Ben got annoyed/dejected.  He said he just needed a minute.  His request was normal; my reaction was not.  The stress of the day, my therapy session, and his response was too much for me to handle.  I felt guilty and horrible.  The self-loathing was immense and heavy.  My mind started to slowly pull itself apart.

The first thing that happened was pretty standard for what I've been experiencing lately.  I had an extreme desire to be away from everything and everyone.  However it was more compelling and more intense of a feeling than I had felt recently.  I HAD to be away from everything and everyone.  I walked out the front door desperately seeking  a place to be alone and outside.  The air outside was damp and cold and the ground was covered in wetness from rain earlier in the day.  I so desperately needed to be away that I did not put on  a jacket or shoes.  I just started walking.  I reached a point on the sidewalk and realized I could not find what I was seeking out here.  I was at a loss and spun around in circles on the sidewalk.  Finally, my mind calmed down and I decided to walk back to the house.

If that had been the end of it, I would have continued my life as normal, but that was only the beginning.  The moment I walked in the door my mind started doing gymnastics again.  There was the abject sorrow of depression but there was more.  The "more" is what I am struggling to describe.  The depressed thoughts and the solutions to those thoughts pinged against me like a swarm of a thousand angry hornets.  Depression can be ignored, but this could not.  Still wanting to be alone and desperately wanting this storm to calm down, I decided to take a shower.  I knew this meant I would self harm, but I did not know how bad it would get.

I stripped and turned on the water.  My mind was reeling.  I stepped into the shower and let the warm water flow over me.  I got a brief reprieve from the chaos inside my mind, and then with the power of a super nova the thoughts exploded into my mind.  I begged for them to stop, but to no avail.  I pulled out the knife and began cutting, hoping beyond hope that this unhealthy coping skill would pull me back to reality.  I cut deeper and larger than ever before and my mind was still screaming.  Realizing that it wasn't going to help, I stopped.  I closed my eyes and pressed my head against the tile.  Horrible images flooded my mind.  I saw me killing myself in a many horrific ways: I sliced my throat, I gutted myself, I jumped in front of a moving vehicle.  Over and over again the images came to me.  I fought against them.  I considered yelling for Ben to take me to the hospital.  I was scared  that I wouldn't be able to not do them.

Eventually the thoughts left, but something far worse came in their place.  I am struggling to describe what this far worse things is; it is similar to overwhelming, despairing emotion combined with the electricity of mania.  Even this does not do what I experienced justice.  I felt so alone and isolated, and I felt the weight of all the world on my shoulders.  I banged my head on the tile repeatedly and begged, "Please just make it stop".  A usually comforting thought came to me: Treston.  I needed him to help.  I started sobbing and begged him to take me away from this world.  "Please, please, please, let me come to your world.  Please, please, please Treston.  I cannot stand it.  I don't belong here.  Why am I here?  Please, please, please, please, please, please."  I heard him say, "You know I can't.  You know it isn't possible."  I sob more and continue begging.

Finally another moment of reprieve came.  My mind cleared.  I turned off the water and dried off.  I walked into the bedroom and suddenly my mind is filled with the cacophony of thoughts again.  I started hearing the voices argue about me.  One rang louder and clearer than the rest, "Kill yourself!" it said.  "Please don't say that" I sobbed.  It said it again.  I begged Treston to help.  Then I felt his hand on my back.  He stroked my back a few times and the voices went away.  I continued sobbing because I know I can never be where he is.  I calmed enough to put on clothes.  I wanted to try and talk to Ben.  The voices came back and started arguing again.  One said it will all be okay.  One called me a stupid bitch for crying.  One said I deserve this.

Eventually, I regained enough composure to apologize to Ben for being the way I am.  He said its not a big deal, but I didn't believe him.  After several more minutes of lessening hell, my mind cleared completely.  I was better than I was before.  I ate an entire pizza and smiled while I texted some friends.  The storm was gone as quickly as it came.


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