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Healthy Fast Food

I am going to start eating healthy again, but I am approaching it differently this time.  I tend to have the same roadblocks pop up over and over again.  Before I start eating healthy I want to come up with multiple solutions for my roadblocks.  One of those roadblocks is eating fast food at lunch time, because it is what is convenient and available where I  work. I don't always have time or even want to pack a lunch, so I eat fast food.  This morning, I am going to do some research and find a few fast food lunches I can eat that won't kill the calorie/healthy budget.

Option 1: Chick-Fil-A Grilled chicken sandwich and fruit cup.  400 Calories
  **Information taken from

Option 2: Zaxby's 5 chicken fingers (no drink, no fries) 570 Calories

Option 3: Zaxby's Kiddie Finger 600 Calories

The next roadblock I run in to is convenience meals.  I don't really like cooking and I don't like stopping by the grocery store every day.  I like to survive on frozen pizzas and only cooking on occasion.  Lean Cuisines are usually gross and unsatisfying.  I need to find a few quick fix meals (open package, place in oven/microwave) that are filling and edible.  I just did some online searching and didn't find anything promising.  Most of what came up was the typical 200-350 calorie frozen dinners.  I'm looking for something is 400-600 calorie range.  Anything less than 400 and I may as well just binge because I'm going to be so hungry afterwards that it will inevitably happen.  I guess I will have to do some grocery store searching for what I want.  Update to come


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