It has been a while since I have posted anything. I'm not a very good blogger, so I guess its a good thing that I don't have any followers. Since I last posted we have moved into a new house, gone through the holidays, took a week long vacation, returned to work, and I start classes tomorrow. All in all, not that much going on. 2016 should prove to be an interesting year.
I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I find that I never stick to them. However, it is a nice time to reflect on your life. I haven't had much time for reflecting, but now is a good time to do it. I realize I have come a long way in the game of life. I went to yoga yesterday in a studio where I used to go to therapy. It was pretty interesting being there. I faced many of my inner demons in that room. It actually put into perspective how far I've come. When I ended my sessions there, I had created a valued life plan, but since that time I have gotten away from it. My life has changed significantly so it would no longer apply to my current life. I'm not going to create the full plan again, but I did want to take some element from it and apply them to my current life.
I would like to lead a more fulfilled life. Its so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day drone of life and forget to focus on what is really important to yourself. Things that I have noticed that really bring me fulfillment are activity, traveling, productivity, and social activity. I also usually feel better when I eat healthy instead of eating junk food. In order to live my fulfilled life I am setting forth some activities/goals that will help move me in that direction.
Activity: I desire to remain physically active for my physical and mental health
I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I find that I never stick to them. However, it is a nice time to reflect on your life. I haven't had much time for reflecting, but now is a good time to do it. I realize I have come a long way in the game of life. I went to yoga yesterday in a studio where I used to go to therapy. It was pretty interesting being there. I faced many of my inner demons in that room. It actually put into perspective how far I've come. When I ended my sessions there, I had created a valued life plan, but since that time I have gotten away from it. My life has changed significantly so it would no longer apply to my current life. I'm not going to create the full plan again, but I did want to take some element from it and apply them to my current life.
I would like to lead a more fulfilled life. Its so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day drone of life and forget to focus on what is really important to yourself. Things that I have noticed that really bring me fulfillment are activity, traveling, productivity, and social activity. I also usually feel better when I eat healthy instead of eating junk food. In order to live my fulfilled life I am setting forth some activities/goals that will help move me in that direction.
Activity: I desire to remain physically active for my physical and mental health
- This can be accomplished in a multitude of ways I am choosing to do the following:
- Yoga 1-2 times per week.
- Running 1-2 times per week.
- Strength training 1-2 times per week.
I have not yet begun these activities or worked them into my weekly routine, but now is the time to start. I will attempt these goals for the next 30 days and will re-assess at such time.
Eating Healthy: I would like to focus on eating healthy foods because I feel better and my body fills more nourished when I do.
I don't have any bullet points for this one. Just that it is what it is. I will try to eat healthy and make healthy choices everyday. However, I will forgive myself when I do not. I am in Weight Watchers, so I have a program and system set up to help with this.
Social Activity: I would like to spend time with my friends on a more regular basis because social activity brings me joy.
Again, no bullet points, but I have a few ideas. It is up to me to invite friends out and make plans. At least once a month I will make try to make plans to see my friends.
Productivity: I feel more satisfied when I accomplish tasks, so I will put need to do tasks before watching television.
I have a tendency to get sucked into television world. I will sit on the couch and binge watch several episodes on netflix. I will try to move away from this, realizing that it is not a fulfilling activity for me. If I am too tired to do anything that day, I will consider going to bed earlier and if I'm not ready to sleep I will perhaps read a book.
Traveling: I desire to see the world while I can still enjoy it.
This is probably the most difficult because it takes time and money. All I can really say for this, is that I am making more of an effort to put money into savings so that I can travel when I feel like it. The challenge in this, is not buying frivolous or material items and instead focusing my money on savings for travel purposes.
So, that's it! Those are my current goals. I shall go forth and attempt them!
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