I've decided to try my own little experiment. I signed up for weight watchers about 3 weeks ago. I lost 2 pounds the first week and have slowly gained a little back each week. I dug into the program a little more and this is what I found:
If I eat only my daily points plus I am coming in under 1200 calories. This is medically unhealthy. When I mentioned this to one of the weight watchers coaches, their response was, "We track points not calories" Well yes, this is correct, but it doesn't change the fact that you are recommending for people to eat below their medically healthy calories. For the next week I am planning on tracking both weight watchers and Lose It! As of now, my 500 calorie breakfast consumed nearly half of my points plus values. It was not an unhealthy breakfast. I had turkey bacon, 3 eggs, spinach, an English muffin, and cranberry relish. I feel satisfied and full. Weight watchers would recommend I have 1 egg, the muffin, and fruit.
I know that comprehensive changes are coming to weight watchers at the end of this year. Perhaps they will start considering caloric intake for people like me. As it stands I think that weight watchers may be good for people who 1) do not know how to make healthy choices 2) are significantly overweight (I'm talking 60+ pounds). I believe that weight watchers has its good points. If you do not know how to make healthy choices, they program teaches you how to. It also provides a support network for when you need it.
I'm not writing it off just yet. I'm curious to see what the new changes will be and how they impact my points. I also do really enjoy the support network. Its nice going to the meetings and having a crew to rely on. So we shall see how it goes. If weight watchers fails me and the changes don't correct the calorie deficit, then I may try starting a meetup group for people trying to lose weight. You then get the support you would have with weight watchers but not the lack of food!
If I eat only my daily points plus I am coming in under 1200 calories. This is medically unhealthy. When I mentioned this to one of the weight watchers coaches, their response was, "We track points not calories" Well yes, this is correct, but it doesn't change the fact that you are recommending for people to eat below their medically healthy calories. For the next week I am planning on tracking both weight watchers and Lose It! As of now, my 500 calorie breakfast consumed nearly half of my points plus values. It was not an unhealthy breakfast. I had turkey bacon, 3 eggs, spinach, an English muffin, and cranberry relish. I feel satisfied and full. Weight watchers would recommend I have 1 egg, the muffin, and fruit.
I know that comprehensive changes are coming to weight watchers at the end of this year. Perhaps they will start considering caloric intake for people like me. As it stands I think that weight watchers may be good for people who 1) do not know how to make healthy choices 2) are significantly overweight (I'm talking 60+ pounds). I believe that weight watchers has its good points. If you do not know how to make healthy choices, they program teaches you how to. It also provides a support network for when you need it.
I'm not writing it off just yet. I'm curious to see what the new changes will be and how they impact my points. I also do really enjoy the support network. Its nice going to the meetings and having a crew to rely on. So we shall see how it goes. If weight watchers fails me and the changes don't correct the calorie deficit, then I may try starting a meetup group for people trying to lose weight. You then get the support you would have with weight watchers but not the lack of food!
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