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I miss my old friend---activity

I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps today.  We had some friends over, but as soon as they left this morning I started feeling depressed and mopey.  I wanted to go do something today, but my husband woke up and started playing video games right away.  I keep thinking about the things I used to do and then I think about how my knee will hurt if I do them.  Its one of those frustrating days.  Why can't I just go for an eight mile hike?  Whats the problem with it? 

I've been eating a lot of junk so I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach on top of it.  I think about getting up to work out, but then I feel pukey and don't want to.  I keep trying to convince myself that  if I just explore Gainesville I will find the things I need to be happy here, but the longer I live here the less that seems likely.  Its just too small town here.  It remind me a lot of Fitzgerald.  Everyone knows everyone and there just isn't anything exciting to do.  There is more here than Fitzgerald has, but not the awesomeness I liked when I lived in Athens.

I would love to go to the intramural fields and walk the dogs around. I would love to finish up the walk by hiking all the way around the backside of the lake.  Then I could drop the dogs off and get some coffee at Jittery Joe's.  After that I could just hang out at home.  Get some groceries, cook some food.  Maybe that evening I would go for a run or bellydance or both!  That's the life I miss.

I'm frustrated because so many things stand in the  way.  Even if I did drive to Athens today, if I did all the things I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.  I miss being active.  I'm trying to get another referral to physical therapy, but I haven't been able to get the doctor to call me back.  GRRRRRR @ being injured


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