I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps today. We had some friends over, but as soon as they left this morning I started feeling depressed and mopey. I wanted to go do something today, but my husband woke up and started playing video games right away. I keep thinking about the things I used to do and then I think about how my knee will hurt if I do them. Its one of those frustrating days. Why can't I just go for an eight mile hike? Whats the problem with it? I've been eating a lot of junk so I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach on top of it. I think about getting up to work out, but then I feel pukey and don't want to. I keep trying to convince myself that if I just explore Gainesville I will find the things I need to be happy here, but the longer I live here the less that seems likely. Its just too small town here. It remind me a lot of Fitzgerald. Everyone knows everyone and there just isn't anything excit...
This blog has evolved over a long period of time. I have decided to use it as a way to try and raise awareness about mental health. As this blog continues more of the posts will center around mental health and breaking the stigma associated with it. Some of the earlier posts are my own struggle with Bipolar Disorder, but I have decided to leave them. They are strange to say the least.