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Showing posts from October, 2015

I miss my old friend---activity

I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps today.  We had some friends over, but as soon as they left this morning I started feeling depressed and mopey.  I wanted to go do something today, but my husband woke up and started playing video games right away.  I keep thinking about the things I used to do and then I think about how my knee will hurt if I do them.  Its one of those frustrating days.  Why can't I just go for an eight mile hike?  Whats the problem with it?  I've been eating a lot of junk so I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach on top of it.  I think about getting up to work out, but then I feel pukey and don't want to.  I keep trying to convince myself that  if I just explore Gainesville I will find the things I need to be happy here, but the longer I live here the less that seems likely.  Its just too small town here.  It remind me a lot of Fitzgerald.  Everyone knows everyone and there just isn't anything excit...

Finding a Hobby

Being an adult is hard.  I find that most days I feel unsatisfied with my life.  I often think back to being in my early twenties and romanticize the time.  Logically I know I was horribly depressed through most of it, but I still find myself longing for the days.  I have a good life now, but sometimes its hard to see because I get so bogged down in the day-to-day.  Partially that is because I have let what is important slip away for what is easy. I miss the how busy I stayed.  I miss how social I was.  At one point when I was therapy, I created a life goal plan.  I'm not sure if that is the actual name of it.  Basically, I listed things that were important and why they were important and then I listed how I would achieve those things on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  I may find that useful to do again, but that is not what I am doing today. Most days I come home and immediately turn on the tv.  I watch a few hours of TV a...