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Showing posts from January, 2016

Valued Life

It has been a while since I have posted anything.  I'm not a very good blogger, so I guess its a good thing that I don't have any followers.  Since I last posted we have moved into a new house, gone through the holidays, took a week long vacation, returned to work, and I start classes tomorrow.  All in all, not that much going on.  2016 should prove to be an interesting year. I don't make New Year's Resolutions anymore.  I find that I never stick to them.  However, it is a nice time to reflect on your life.  I haven't had much time for reflecting, but now is a good time to do it.  I realize I have come a long way in the game of life.  I went to yoga yesterday in a studio where I used to go to therapy.  It was pretty interesting being there.  I faced many of my inner demons in that room.  It actually put into perspective how far I've come.  When I ended my sessions there, I had created a valued life plan, but since that t...