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Showing posts from October, 2012


Today I am very frustrated and depressed.  I was planning on using my old Bellydancing stuff for a Halloween costume and realized just how much weight I have gained.  My back is injured again (can't feel my left foot) so I can't run.   Just generally depressed.


So, school took over there for a few months.  To be more precise, school kicked my ass for a few months and was down to sleeping only an average of 4-6 hours a night.  My current philosophy is that if I don't have enough time to sleep, I don't have enough time to work out.  Unfortunately, my diet went to hell also.  I'm trying to pinpoint the area of where I get messed up the most. I know I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe.  Given the choice  I would probably live on cookies and ice cream.  My other main diet are problems are a little more complicated.  A lot of it is time related.  If I'm running behind in the mornings or in general I don't have time to eat breakfast, pack a lunch, etc.  This leads to me eating fast food or junk food from a vending machine.  Now I could get a salad at a fast food place, but salads tend to be more expensive when I get a burger and soda for $2.  Of course, I can get a week's worth ...