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Showing posts from September, 2012

Slow Going

I got in 1 kettlebell workout and 2 runs since Wednesday.  I was going to do another kettlebell work out tonight, but work and homework got in the way.  Overall I would say I'm doing a decent job with it though.  Still better than doing nothing!!  I decided to have some delicious veggies tonight.  I once got steamed broccoli with peanut sauce from The Grit in Athens (a delicious vegetarian restaurant).  I'm imitating that tonight.  I steamed my own broccoli and bought a package mix for the peanut sauce.  I'm sure making the peanut sauce from scratch would be even more delicious, but a girl only has so much time.  I'm also having a baked sweet potato for some extra content. Broccoli cooked well is great, but I would have to eat SO MUCH to get full.

Busy, Busy, Busy

This weekend has been just full of things going on.  My plan when I left class Friday was to clean up and do lots of homework, but so far that hasn't really happened.  I've worked everyday, and work has been super busy, so I've been very tired when I get home.  My Dad came up for a visit on Saturday.  We went to Helen for drinks; it was a blast.  There is a club in Helen I plan on checking out soon.  Yay, something to do, Finally!!!!!  Working out hasn't happened.  I'm going to try to get in a kettlebell workout today before work.  I was going to go jogging yesterday, but Brent didn't get off work until very late so I couldn't use his treadmill.  I've always been eating like there's no tomorrow.  All in all, not a healthy weekend.  This morning I decided to go for baked apples.  Turns out that all the recipes for them are really really bad for you.  I tweaked it a little bit, so hopefully it won't be as bad.  I...