I got in 1 kettlebell workout and 2 runs since Wednesday. I was going to do another kettlebell work out tonight, but work and homework got in the way. Overall I would say I'm doing a decent job with it though. Still better than doing nothing!! I decided to have some delicious veggies tonight. I once got steamed broccoli with peanut sauce from The Grit in Athens (a delicious vegetarian restaurant). I'm imitating that tonight. I steamed my own broccoli and bought a package mix for the peanut sauce. I'm sure making the peanut sauce from scratch would be even more delicious, but a girl only has so much time. I'm also having a baked sweet potato for some extra content. Broccoli cooked well is great, but I would have to eat SO MUCH to get full.
This blog has evolved over a long period of time. I have decided to use it as a way to try and raise awareness about mental health. As this blog continues more of the posts will center around mental health and breaking the stigma associated with it. Some of the earlier posts are my own struggle with Bipolar Disorder, but I have decided to leave them. They are strange to say the least.