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Bipolar Owl

I'm out of town this weekend so I didn't have much time to find what I wanted to post about.  I think my next big post is going to be about the stigma of taking medication, so for this Saturday enjoy a meme about bipolar meds. 
Recent posts

Depression and Asking for Help

Depression is one of the most well known mental disorders.  If I walked out into the streets and asked someone what depression is I'm sure I would get a many varied responses.  Some of them would be accurate and some of them would not be, but everyone I asked would know the word.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health , 6.7% of adults in the US suffered from depression in 2016.  The World Health Organization (WHO) states that "globally more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression."  Also according to WHO, "Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease." Despite this information many people still suffer in silence.  There are many reasons why people do not reach out when they are in need, but most are associated with shame and the stigma of the disease.  This silence needs to be broken.  Those who suffer with depression and other mental ...

Mental Illness Awareness

I decided I would start the mental health awareness thing.  My plan is to post something regarding mental health on a weekly basis.  I will post things on this blog, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram.  I will either post something relating to mental health (stats, helplines, videos, or answers to the questionnaire I created.  I don't know that I will accomplish anything, but if I each even one person then I have accomplished something.  Today's item is from the National Alliance on Mental Illness.  The image I have is poor quality.  There is a pdf, but I can't upload a pdf.  Here is the link to the image for better quality:  NAMI Mental Health Fact Sheet

Wanting to start an Awareness Thing

I know I have about zero followers and that is okay.  I keep thinking about starting an awareness movement for mental illness.  There are already so many national organizations that do it, but I know I personally never see anything from them which leads me to believe that many others do not see those either.  I know if I started something that there would not be many people who would see what I start either, but I think it is important.  There is so much stigma and embarrassment surrounding mental illness and it can make it difficult for people to seek help or even talk about it with their friends.  I know that typically most people don't discuss their illnesses in general, so it is a strange thing to want to openly discuss mental illness.  I keep thinking about starting the movement though.  I'm just not sure how.  I don't know what the best way to approach it would be.  I will keep thinking about it and maybe I will come up with something. ...

How can I exist with so much inside my head?

I know I want to write. is so hard to write.  I have so many thoughts inside my head.  I am so tired and yet so awake.  I want to do so much and so little.  I want to be alone and surrounded by people.  I want to wash the dogs, clean my entire house, organize my new room, write poetry, write prose, write about my life experiences, do laundry, run 3 miles, dance, and now cut myself.  How can one person exist with all of this inside their head?  How can I survive with all of this inside my head.  I want relief.  At first, I was enjoying this ride, but now I want off.  What does it take to get off this ride?  Have I always existed like this?  How have I always existed like this?  Can I just have one thought?  One task?  I'm sleepy and do not want to sleep.  Someone please help me

What I want

I want an extraordinary life where I do extraordinary things.  In all the turmoil I have been experiencing lately, this I can say with absolute certainty.  I want an extraordinary life where I do extraordinary things.  The next part of this is figuring out what that really means for me.