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Showing posts from June, 2018

Wanting to start an Awareness Thing

I know I have about zero followers and that is okay.  I keep thinking about starting an awareness movement for mental illness.  There are already so many national organizations that do it, but I know I personally never see anything from them which leads me to believe that many others do not see those either.  I know if I started something that there would not be many people who would see what I start either, but I think it is important.  There is so much stigma and embarrassment surrounding mental illness and it can make it difficult for people to seek help or even talk about it with their friends.  I know that typically most people don't discuss their illnesses in general, so it is a strange thing to want to openly discuss mental illness.  I keep thinking about starting the movement though.  I'm just not sure how.  I don't know what the best way to approach it would be.  I will keep thinking about it and maybe I will come up with something. ...