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Showing posts from March, 2016

Sprained Ankle

It has been a while since I've posted anything.  I have never been great at this whole blogging thing, so first an update on my weight loss journey. I have lost 10 pounds since starting weight watchers which is a BIG victory for me!  I've been holding steady at 151 for a few weeks, but I have not been eating the best food for the past few weeks.  I'm actually thankful for holding steady at 151 and not gaining.  I've been struggling to get back on the program full force.  I'm in a down swing for depression which makes it pretty hard to get motivated. I think I've down about a month.  I'm still depressed, but I think I am starting to come back up.  This is good for eating healthy and exercising.  Its so much easier to stay motivated when I'm not depressed. I had made it my goal to run a 5K in March, but I sprained my ankle last weekend, so that has definitely set me back.  I have not been able to put any weight on my ankle since last Saturday...