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Showing posts from June, 2015

An Exciting New Name

It turns out I'm pretty awful at naming things.  I have been pondering for an hour over what I should name this blog.  Health and Life is a good name, but a common one.  I even looked up this wonderful website on how to name your blog.  I managed to take up a whole piece of paper with a lot of phrases that don't make any sense or have no relatedness to my blog.  I think my favorite name is "The Afflicted Scientist", but outside of the afflicted part I can't make it relate.  For now, Health and Life will remain my blog name. As far as weekly progress goes I suspect I will meet two of my goals.  I have done my leg strengthening exercises three days, and I have tracked using Lose It!every day.  I almost didn't track Lose It! today because I thought I would go over on calories.  Going over on calories is not a good reason to not track.  I entered in everything and was only about 20 calories over, so it really wasn't bad.

Regaining my Health

I was talking with my husband last night, and we both made the decision to jump back into fitness.  The challenge will be especially difficult for me right now because of my knees, but I think its doable.  I'm going to use Lose It! to track my food and calories.  I have actually been doing this for a few weeks but I have been pretty inconsistent.  I have also found some seated arm and core exercises I can alternate with.  I also will be doing my physical therapy strengthening for my legs.  Depending on how my knee feels, I may try swimming some this week, but that fully depends on how much my knee hurts. My "Before" picture.   Now, to make my progress measurable I will set some goals.  I'm starting with goals being fairly easy to reach. 1) Do physical therapy exercises 4 times this week. (Sunday 6/28-Saturday 7/3) 2) Do core or arm exercises 3 times this week 3) Track with Lose It! for all 7 days. Links for those that are intereste...

Frustrations with Knee Pain

This may become my new place to rant.  I am again left feeling frustrated for not being able to exercise.  I keep thinking about the person I was.  At least, the person I think I was.  I try to track calories and unless I am careful I go over.  When I was running, I never had to track calories.  It would have been next to impossible for me to go over on calories.  I miss being in my twenties. I finally know what is wrong with my knee.  I have patellofemoral ambulatory disorder.  Basically, there is a groove on your femur where patella tracks.  The groove on my femur is very shallow (almost non existent), so my patella doesn't track.  When I walk my patella rubs on the lateral condyle of my femur.  This causes irritation, which causes swelling, which causes pain.  I received a cortisone injection in my knee.  If you are ever about to have one of those, they hurt like hell.  I would rather sit through my five hou...